Monday, February 1, 2010

Hormone Therapy

OK, I admit it. I'm a man. Put the word 'sex' in a title, and I'll probably look at it. You can check out the most recent example, an article on entitled "Inventor Unveils $7,000 Talking Sex Robot" (

Have you read it yet? I have. Twice already. It is forcing me to hold that precarious balance between the knee jerk laugh reaction "How lame!" with the ever-present hump-it-all man instinct that makes me wonder if it's worth it.

I don't know. I'm a very happily married man and completely uneducated in the going rates, but I would imagine $7,000 would buy you alot of prostitutes. Maybe if you can get a nice used one from under 2...

Seriously, I'm kidding. I won't even buy a used car for crying out loud. But, what gets me most about Roxxxy is that one of our best and brightest (okay, that's an assumption, but stay with me here) dedicated a significant part of his life creating her and her Sybil-inspired personalities Frigid Farrah and Wild Wendy (I'm assuming the existence of Loose Lucy, Kinky Katy, and Missionary Mary as well, although the article doesn't talk about them).

Flashback to the Stanley Kubrick film 2001. (For some of you, this may require an acid flashback, which I'm sure must of made that movie a whole lot better.) In 1969, when that movie was made, people saw the dawn of the 21st century as a time of interplanetary travel, space stations, people going for nice little strolls on the moon, and computers capable of homicide.

Sorry. Not in this reality. Instead, ten years into the century and we are cutting NASA's budget so we can install body scanners in airports. The last time we went to the moon? About the same time that crappy movie was made.

So what's my point? Simply put, we sure haven't come that far in 40 years. Oh sure, I can put my entire music collection onto a computer the size of a credit card. I can get on my computer and type up this rant so anywhere between 4 and 4 million people can click a button and read it. I can even access damn near any TV show I can dream of with a few clicks of a mouse.

No trips to the moon for me though, I'm afraid.

No solar energy. At least not enough worth mentioning.

No car that gets 250 mpg and runs on urine.

When I hear people talk about how America is loosing it's competitive edge, it's not because of immigrants, or unions, or taxes, or Barack Obama. It's because we have quit aiming for the stars and have content ourselves to aim for the genitalia. Scientific exploration with no commercial value? There's no money in that. But invent a pill that turns a 90 year old penis into a chiseling tool and you got yourself a fortune.

And seriously, who needs Roxxy anyway. Amsterdam is awesome this time of year.

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